Tuesday, February 25, 2014

Comments to the HOA Board

The February 24th HOA Board meeting was attended only by 50 people, including 16 PCM employees and Advisory Committee members who made reports to the Board.

After making my comments to the Board, I was encouraged by some residents to share them with the community at large, as a way to continue to raise the community awareness of the activities taking place in our community. My comments to the HOA Board were made as follows:

“I will begin by reminding the Board and the community at large that in January 2013, the HOA Board adopted a “Code of Ethics and Rules of Conduct for Sun City Shadow Hills Board Members, Officers, and Committee Members”, for the purpose of setting a standard and a tone for behavior that is in the best interest of the community.

All Board members, as well as Association Committee members sign and agree to abide by this code of ethics, with the understanding that violation of the Code may result in the removal of a Committee member, removal from office of an officer or convening a recall procedure for a Director.

The Code of Ethics and Rules, specifically requires, that No member shall engage in any writing, publishing, or speech that defames any other member of the Board, or a resident of the community.” And that “Personal attacks against residents are prohibited and will not be tolerated.”

Last December, The HOA Board approved the formation of a new Committee, “the Information Advisory Committee”, composed by five members: Georgeana Mimms, Andy Perler, Charles Hemphill, Richard Smeby and Mary Lee Niethold. The Committee’s goals and purpose were not made clear as the Board approved the Committee under the consent calendar, at the December 16th meeting.

As of today, none of their activities have resulted in any public notice or publication, BUT what has been apparent and noticed by our community was the creation of an anonymous website, whose obvious purpose has been to influence the outcome of the HOA Board elections by fully supporting 3 of the 6 candidates and conducting a series of personal attacks with the intention of defaming the other 3 targeted candidates, who have been promoting change and stand against the status quo.
 Stu Stryker
1/14/2014 9:26:36 PM
Post #1
Who is the brain surgeon who came up with the statement "the community has no documentation on payroll and payroll fees. Brilliant, I guess they forgot about The State of california labor laws just to mention one small issue with that statement. 
This remindsds me of this groups statement "Assoica, PCM's parent company owns Billy Casper Golf". You remember that flow charts and all.
Boy was Billy Casper Supprised to learn they had been purchased, LOL. That's what I mean by garbage in garbage out. Flat out, a lie.
If you would like a refreshing look at some real facts about our community not the typical negativity that is out ther now. Then visit:
I don'tt know where it came from or who is running it. but from what I have read it is an objective site and everything on it is actually factually correct. I am impressed.
The anonymous website has been promoted in public as “objective and factually correct”, by the writings of the Board President in the Association’s website and his spouse’s through direct emails to residents. The action by the Board President, taking an active role in the outcome of the election by encouraging residents to visit the anonymous website and supporting the website’s personal attacks and demeaning behavior, place the Board’s President in jeopardy of loosing his post, based on the possible violation of the Association’s Code of Ethics and Rules of Conduct for Board Members”, and together with the creation of the anonymous website puts into question the election process.”

Sunday, February 9, 2014

Our Community

A year ago, like many of you, I did not know about some of the problems our Association was facing, especially with regard to the financial management of the Association.  But, after a close study of those problems, I am now quite aware of the lack of checks and balances necessary to ensure the Association’s fiscal integrity and accountability.

In the last few months, I’ve also become aware that the HOA Board has been under the control of a group of people who are obviously content with the existing situation.  This group is united against any member of our community who is not content with the existing situation but rather offers to improve it.  HOA Board President Stu Stryker’s desire to keep control of the Board has been underscored by his support and endorsement of an anonymous website and by his spouse’s email, sent to all of you, urging you to visit the same anonymous website.  That website supports the three candidates who agree with the PCM-controlled HOA Board. Moreover, the website opposes the three candidates who are committed to solve the financial deficits of the Association.

The people who control the HOA Board have created the anonymous website in order to spread false rumors about the candidates promoting change.  The sole intention of the website is obviously to convince you that you should be afraid of change.  How much credibility can we afford to a website that is afraid to name its authors? Clearly, the intent of the anonymity and the disinformation is to maintain control over the important decisions that affect our community and our lives.

The HOA Board must truly represent the many facets of our community.  It is imperative that the members of the board have the capacity to understand and fully support the needs of our considerable lifestyle activities. Very simply, a Board controlled by one interest will not be able to support equally the diverse interests of our friends and neighbors.  For the long-term health of the community, we must elect candidates who will zealously represent all our members, including those whose needs are being ignored.

It will take more that one year to solve the problems our community is facing.  Therefore, it is important that we continue to work together, particularly beyond this election, to reinforce and strengthen the voice of the members of the SCSH community who have been ignored and whose needs have been neglected.  In order to ensure that all members of our diverse community are fully represented, we must prepare ourselves for next year’s elections.  We must restore common sense, accountability, and fiscal responsibility.

Manny Rosas, HOA Board Candidate

“Working to Create a Community We can All Be Proud of”

Saturday, February 8, 2014

Respect for the Community

I was away visiting my aging mother, so I missed the last HOA Board meeting. When I returned, I heard the recounted stories of how the Board President Stu Stryker, abused and mistreated one of the community residents and since the Board decided to stop video taping the Board meetings, we now have no way, to witness the Board’s actions and behavior.

I came across a recount of the event by a resident registered nurse who sent this email to the HOA Board of Directors, which I would like to share with you:

Dear Board
Once again Stu Stryer has outdone himself by his attempted intimidation and browbeating of a homeowner with a script that most likely comes directly from Boot Camp for Board Members. Many of us are now aware of how the Boot Camp trains the Board leading them to think they have "power over" us, and that they do not work for the homeowners. The result of this Boot Camp seems to be what we all had to experience as we watched the Board Member attempt to humiliate and demean a homeowner, John K.
The worst part of the whole interaction with Stu and Mr. Kuchinski was the serious finger pointing and bullying that John was subjected to by Stu who refused to listen and learn, and who was more intent on disgracing his "opponent" than actually having a conversation of equals while hearing the real truth of what has gone on. Since when is any Board member above those he or she is supposed to represent? Our Board has forgotten that they are homeowners too and are supposed to represent us not PCM.
Bullying, coercion, intimidation, and strong arming is also considered very serious when those in authority use their "power over" another in a way that may be detrimental to seniors and those in specific protected groups. And we all know now that this is done to attempt to create fear in those who might want to speak, and to dishearten the masses of homeowners who are timid or believe anything they hear. It is an attempt to subdue the rest of us and cause us to give up hope for any change to the autocratic Board we have at present. Moreover It was a disgraceful way to behave and was also totally unacceptable in the State of California where Elder Abuse includes “the infliction of fear, agitation, confusion through threats, harassment, or other forms of intimidating behavior” so that the receiver is unable to respond out of fear or inability due to any reason including poor health or lack of strength.
If we are to have a healthy community in the future we need a Board who respects homeowners and understands that they are no different from the rest of us. They will avoid the pitfalls of letting the power of position go to their head and heart creating the scene that we saw on Monday. I commend John K and all who sent a complaint to the AG and will continue to work with them in the future if this bullying of homeowners who are seniors and lack of transparency of our finances does not end. 
For most people it is intimidating enough to speak in front of others without thinking they might have to deal with belligerent Board members intent on squelching all public interaction and communication. The "Marine-tough" training that John K has had should not be necessary in order for homeowners to ask questions of a so-called leader of the Board. This "power over" bullying, and intimidation must stop. 
Sharon Somers-Hill RN

It is very sad to realize the HOA Board who represents our community, behaving in such a disrespectful way, towards the fragile members of our community. If you attend any of the Board meetings, you will witness that type of abuse, disrespect and disdain for the concerns of our community members. This is one of the reasons I decided to run the HOA Board, to represent the voices that are being ignored and denied of their rights and to establish an environment of respect and caring for the members of our community.

Please, feel free to share this information with neighbors and friends.